playlist for June 19, 2022
Path of Silence crystal technology 6 Ancestral Light Serbia 2:00
***Intro*** *** *** *** *** 8:01PM
Zdrojieros Metropolitan Connect 040 (excerpts)     Columbia 19:00
Sciahri Lost In Ether Podcast #207 (excerpt)     Italy 5:03
Mary Yuzovskaya On The 5th Day Podcast #152 (excerpt)     Germany 5:12
Yukari Okamura Monument 332 Woman's Day set (excerpt)     Japan 5:17
*** *** *** *** *** 8:35PM
Medkit herringtage 1 Saddan Russia 4:36
Lyonel Bauchet i dance the buchla electronic 2 Buchla Tunes Vol 10 France 4:08
Luigi Tozzi salina 2 Deep Blue: Volume 3 Italy 5:21
Badrich load bearing 11 Forensics USA 5:31
Epsilon concord 1 Nautilus Germany 7:42
*** *** *** *** *** 9:03PM
Elektro Guzzi prototyp     Austria 4:19
Plant43 N2MU podcast 056 (excerpt)     England 6:00
JakoJako viridis 1 Lux Germany 6:03
*** *** *** *** *** 9:22PM
Boris SG particle space (excerpt) 4 Black Hole Belarus 8:20
Thaneco & Romerium mystery of dark matter 1 Dark Force Greece/Holland 8:33
Mac the new kitchen furniture 4 Perceptual Crater Italy 6:02
SpiralDreams distance in space 5 Another Worlds Vol 1 Hungary 8:42
Dream Conspiracy vicissitude of reason 4 Your World Is But One England 4:37
***Outro*** *** *** *** *** 10:00PM