playlist for July 4, 2010
*** *** *** *** *** 9:00PM
LA County Beaches & Harbors -fireworks music simulcast-       24:00
***Intro*** *** *** *** *** 9:24PM
Klute Property is theft   The Emperor's New Clothes England 6:30
Alex Delaville Bâton Rouge     France 3:46
Goma Sea   Goma Uruguay 3:26
*** *** *** *** *** 9:37PM
Surface 10 On that day, forever 10 Borrowed Time 2000 USA 6:45
Redshift Bleed 3 3 Redshift IV-Siren England 4:49
Redshift Bleed 4 4 Redshift IV-Siren England 9:35
George Megas The Aerialist II     Greece 3:06
*** *** *** *** *** 10:00PM
Weldroid Black Glass 2 Mild Case Hungary 5:06
Atmogat Mi Interface     Germany 4:546
Ventolyn and Becotyde Field 11 Audissect Ireland 3:26
Planet Beyond 93:80:67am     Holland 6:20
*** *** *** *** *** 10:22PM
Avell Harpsi   Follow Me (maxi single) Poland 4:54
Vectrobot Grayscapes 96   Finland 4:09
Curbcrawler In my head   Dilemma Russia 3:35
*** *** *** *** *** 10:36PM
Hammock Kenotic   Kenotic USA 4:15
Ozric Tentacles Sunrise Jam 5 Sunrise Festival England 8:35
***Outro*** *** *** *** *** 10:50PM
Peter Mergener & Michael Weisser Sunbeam 2 Beamscape Germany 10:40